Shoreline Distinctives
Gathering Together
Christs followers naturally gather together. As a result, people are built up through the gifts that Christ has given them. Shoreline Fellowship gatherings are non-exclusive and you are encouraged to fellowship anywhere God leads you.
Authority is Relational
When a person consistently meets Biblical standards for authority, they naturally gain relational authority. When this happens, they may be recognized in a public manner. We do not look for people to endow with authority, but look for people who already have it.
The standards set in 1 Timothy are a higher standard for elders or deacons, but the prerequisite to be recognized as an elder or deacon. Being time tested in the virtues listed creates trust and legitimacy within the gathering.
1 Timothy 3:1-13
Living Generously
Giving is for the benefit of people, not an organization. Financial giving is not required for fellowship and accounts for the smallest portion of our giving. We elevate the needs of people over the needs of organizations.
Philippians 4:10-20
Gifts and talents
Spiritual gifts and natural talents are for the mutual edification of people as a display of Gods glory. They are not positions to fill in an organization, or for the benefit of one.
1 Corinthians 12
New Testament worship is the act of becoming a living sacrifice through the pursuit of holy living.
Romans 12:1
Spirit Filled, Filled with Melody
We are called to be filled with the Spirit, building each other up through song, singing to God, and giving thanks.
Eph. 5:18-20
Transformative Faith
The faith that saves us is transformative in nature, resulting in a new creation. The outward expression of this faith is essential to following the Messiah.
James 1:19-27, 2:14-26 Ephesians 4:17-32